Monday, March 19, 2012


He wants us to live a real life, not in hiddenness. The enemy wants us to put on the mask and hide our identity. We become ashamed when we think that there is something wrong with us. The enemy wants us to cover up our uniqueness and become like one another. But we are meant to be unique, there is no one like us. There is freedom when you take off the mask.

We are forgiven, but not perfect. He never requires us to be perfect. His grace is sufficient for our lives. But we all feel shame, fear and we hide. We need to know our real identity as His sons and daughters.


Adoption means that He chose us. His picked us out to be in His family, He looks at us, no matter what state we are in life and He chooses us. We are heirs and we get all the goods. Inheritance doesn't have to wait until we die. We need to stand in our position now. We need to start living in our position not based on our condition. We should never be governed by our condition. Whatever promise you are contending for, He will give to you because He is faithful. He can come and deliver you from your situation, it doesn't matter how you feel. It's not about what you feel but who you are.

Our brain is the battlefield, but you can win the battle. The enemy wants to take our blessing out but tell him that you're in! We are seated with Him on the throne. We can start to see what He sees because we are in on the plans and we need to understand His heart. If we do not become seated we will be defeated. We are with Him in His glory. Don't go to Him as a slave, He has already accepted us. Survive the walk by not giving up. No one can condemn us because He said, "it is finished." Don't judge others, think about how you are representing the father. Don't treat people like they are not sons and daughters because they don't know they are. Don't miss out on the party.
