Sunday, November 27, 2011

Mountain Dew





There will be dry times; there will be dry seasons. Just do your part and He'll do the rest. He'll rain down on us overnight and preserve us for revival. Dew comes in the night while we are sleeping. 

The dry, the lost, the alone. We've all been there at some point during our life. However, It's encouraging to know that even when I'm walking through the desert, all I need to do is keep doing my part and the rest will be taken care of. We just need to come together. Two is better than one. You just feel that much better when you know that someone is supporting you, that someone is on your side. When we are united, the harvest will come in and it won't get out. We'll be trapped by love and there will be no escaping. 

We are not here for numbers, we are here for a purpose. Find your calling. Your mission comes from submission. You are to love the community to which you are called, not called to the community which you love. 

Unity is diversity, not conformity. When broken bones are cast together they need time to set before they are attached as one again. Unity takes time so dwell together. Even if there's conflict, just stick it out. Stick together; commitment is the glue. Conflict is an open door to intimacy. No one likes a teammate who just does everything you say, no one likes a friend who doesn't voice out their opinion, no one likes a boyfriend/girlfriend who agrees with everything you like. Don't be afraid to be yourself. Confronting problems in relationships will make the bond stronger. 

We are not a pond, but a river. We are not only soldiers but also settlers. Fight for unity. 

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