You gotta finish the job. You only have one life to life, it's only a small window, a tiny dot in eternity. But this life can impact your whole eternity. Look forward to the day where you'll see Him and He'll tell you, "You shall bow to no one, for you are my friend. Not only are you my son/daughter but you are faithful."
The purpose of the promise land is to give glory to Him, give everything back onto Him. Whoever has the son has everything. Everything you do is to give you a platform to give glory to Him.
You are cities of refuge. Take off your old calling and let Him give you a new one. Then wherever you step, He will be with you.
In order to be a city of refuge you must have easy access. There has to be large signs and bridges so it's easy to get there. People need to know that you are a city of refuge. The direction to the refuge cannot be confused. The truth must never be compromised. Have courage. Have boldness.
There is no waiting period - you are forgiven instantaneously. The place of your greatest failure can be the place of your greatest victory. However, if you try to take things into your own hands the consequences of your disobedience will be that you won't receive any land in the promised land. But He can make your consequence into your destiny. You may have gotten the worst deal but it can become the best deal. He doesn't forget.
The spirit and flesh are in opposite direction. Your victory is in direct opposition to your weakness. The place of your greatest mistake can be the place of your greatest destiny. Stay in the place of refuge, you are safe as long as you stay there. Lay hold of hope before you. If you lose hope you lose the place of peace, place of protection and place of where empowerment is given. In order to hold onto the horns of salvation you have to let go of everything else you're holding onto, so what is it that you're holding onto?
We have skeletons in our closet. He wants to breathe life into our skeletons. He wants to build up soldiers. Something you want to hide will become something you're proud of. He will use your greatest failure and make it something great. You can't escape your consequences but it will become your destiny. Laugh at the devil. Don't flaunt your sin but flaunt the redemption that's going to come from your sin. Put some action into it. Don't wait for someone else to tell you you're okay, look in the mirror and tell yourself that you're okay. Don't allow the devil to hold you down because he can't.
One day, your skeletons will speak. Conquer your mountain and tell the devil to shut up.
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