Monday, January 9, 2012

Seeing is Believing

Renew your mind - not your feelings. Your feelings don't tell your mind what to do, your mind commands your feelings. Tell your flesh to shut up, it's time for your sprit to rise.


Hopelessness is never a situation, it's a relational aspect. If you're on the road to hopelessness there's something about Him that you don't believe. He is always with you, you might not see Him but His presence is always there. When situations overwhelm you then you have a functional relationship with Him because He is not functioning as you think He should. You become judgemental of His character and you lose hope quicker.


It's never over, if you think it's over you're leaving the movie in the middle of the movie. You're leaving before the story is over. Don't assume that it's going to happen a certain way. It's never over, it's over when you're dead.

He's not here to fix you. You're a new creation, you don't need fixing. You just need to see who you are. He doesn't patch you up so you can function. He is not looking for a functional relationship either. When you're in a functional relationship you can't handle mystery, everything needs to be efficient. We always want the obvious. But if you can't accept the fact that He's mysterious then you can't believe in Him.

Once you focus on one thing and block other things from coming in, your mind only focuses on that one thing and other conclusions cannot enter. You could be right at this moment but wrong in the future. He is not concerned about the "why" or "how," He is concerned about the "who" and "what." "Why" and "how" are future-oriented questions.

He hides things from us because we are not ready. There are some things we can only figure out if we come closer, if we become more intimate with Him. When He's silent in your life He wants you to stick around and listen. Confusion is a normal part of life, but it can't change your confession. You can be confused but still confess right. His will and wisdom are always available to you. The promises are in Him; the will is in Him; the wisdom is in Him. Are you in Him? Is He in you? The promise He gave you is not in the situation you're in, it's not in the land or place. He has the responsibility to take you to your destiny and your responsibility is just to believe. The best over is the left over.

He is not rational, He is relational. If you are rational you can't be creative.


How you get to the top of the mountain is how you'll be at the top of the mountain. Know His heart and what you want will be what He wants. He wants you to tell Him what you want. You can go until He tells you to stop. Stop thinking. Stop rationalizing. Just go.


All the things you've put off, all the dreams you shoved into the back of your drawer, all the goals you gave up on because you lost motivation - this is the year to do it. A week has already gone by since the new year and I know this year is just going to fly past. I'm going to pass this year with flying colours. There's just something different about this new year. I'm not going to start things and not finish. I'm not going to make goals and not commit to them. I'm going to stay focused and continue believing even if it means I'll have to struggle. 

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